Olympia Tzortzi / Ολυμπία Τζώρτζη
The Daily Weather / Today’s Weather/ The Weather segment
The Daily Weather / Today’s Weather/ The Weather segment
“A change in the weather
is sufficient to recreate
the world and ourselves.”
Every morning, as I awaken and prepare to step outside, my first ritual is checking the weather. Though it may appear as a routine, it has grown into a habit that transcends the simple act of planning my day. The daily weather broadcast serves as a personal touchstone, a symbolic bridge connecting my internal world to the external elements. It's a habit that many, regardless of their location in the "western" world, share during the morning hours. Whether through television or radio, these weather segments hold undeniable significance. Yet, the question persists: why do they carry such weight in our daily lives?
In a renowned quote from Marcel Proust's "Remembrance of Things Past" (In Search of Lost Time), specifically in Volume 3.1, "The Guermantes Way," it is asserted that "A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves" ( Proust 1920: 355) Considering, among other factors, that the noun 'weather' etymologically stems from the words 'air' and 'sky,' we find ourselves in a superior position, capable of continually innovating and adapting our circumstances and destinies. Furthermore, by adopting a positive perspective on the concept of weathering, despite the ongoing erosion, both literal and metaphorical, it becomes apparent that the potential to alter the impending future remains.
Continuing along the same line of thinking, we can perceive weather as an abstract and seamless transition into a pre-existing future. This perspective enables us to contemplate weather in a broader spectrum, extending beyond the immediate events occurring outside a window.
As we observe the clouds, comprised of billions of fine droplets or crystals undergoing constant shape-shifting influenced by wind speed and the Earth's rotation, there is perhaps no better analogy to depict our perception of the overwhelming influx of information encountered daily. Much like electricity and running water, information overload has permeated everyday life. We find ourselves consistently navigating the responsibilities of the networked individual in the dissemination and retention of personal and global crises. Yet, are we circling back to where we began, converging at the metaphorical topology of a cloud?
Immersed in the sensation of being "meteoros" — soaring high in the sky, surrounded by unsolved mysteries — we step into an alternate realm of imagination. Here, we embody a form capable of swift travel through space, illuminated brightly upon entering the Earth's atmosphere. Meteorology, dedicated to the study of unforeseen celestial bodies that spontaneously ignite or unpredictably undergo extinction, explores phenomena that transcend the boundaries of rational mechanisms.
It becomes evident that these terms serve as metaphors for political developments, societal conditions, personal reflections on our viewing habits, interpretations of political upheavals, and, not least, our (romantic) relationships.
The wind, the breeze, the clouds — a dance of interactions, variability, affection, and wear and tear. In this symbiosis, questions arise: Does "weather" hold meaning? Do we truly understand or remain in the realm of the unknown regarding our senses? An underlying, growing awareness strives for the stability of our ecosystem, an endeavor to rejuvenate our relationship with the environment.
Then enters culture as a personification of nature, embodying the inner natural self, unburdened by mechanized and automated surroundings. It transcends known boundaries and establishes a connection between our lives, acting as a form of remembrance.
In essence, the daily weather broadcast, often perceived as a routine aspect of our lives, unveils a profound connection between the external elements and our internal landscapes. As we navigate the intricate dance of weather patterns, information overload, and the metaphors embedded in our surroundings, it becomes evident that our experiences with 'weather' extend far beyond meteorological phenomena. They serve as mirrors reflecting our adaptability, resilience, and interconnectedness with the world. In the end, each gust of wind, every change in the sky, and the ceaseless flow of information beckon us to introspect, adapt, and remember the intricate dance we share with the environment and culture, a dance that shapes our narratives and defines our journey through the ever-changing landscapes of life.
Olympia Tzortzi is a curator based in Athens.